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10 plus 1 things that this pandemic taught us (and it’s not what you think) 新冠病毒给我们上的11堂课(意想不到的课)

Writer's picture: Alizée CCMAlizée CCM

Previously we talked about economic and social consequences of this COVID-19. Today, we want to tackle what we feel we’ve learnt from it.


During this period of isolation and fear, we learnt valuable lessons.


Immense sadness and suffering made us reevaluate who we are and what our values are. Here some lessons that at Zero Waste Shanghai, we believe will have a big impact on our lives once all this will be finally over:


1. We might NOT be better people. On news papers and social media, we have the impression that finally the human race became this cooperative and sensitive race we always have been deep inside. Whether this epidemic helped us discover a better version of ourselves, no one can tell. Most likely no.


2. Nature and the freedom to enjoy it are the real fresh air. So, all those sunny days and blue skies we took for granted, aren’t so granted anymore. Aren’t they? We need to take care of them, because they DO are the most precious things we (don’t) own. More than ever before, the climate crisis and its solutions MUST be part of this conversation and part of our plans.


3. We need the community we are part of. Despite how much we enjoyed being isolated at first, we acknowledged the importance collectivity, perceived as family, friends, and institutions. We are social animals, and in the end, we don’t earn much from being alone.


4. Only united as international community, we can really do something. No racism, prejudice or pre-concept can help us winning against something that checks no passport.


Source: The Internet

5. The butterfly effect isn't just an empty catchphrase. With international travels limitation, and global economy slowing down, we realize that, as a global society, we do have to care for what happens anywhere in the world.


6. Humans vs. Animals. We acknowledge that there is something broken in our relationship with animals, wet-markets, and the boundaries between humans and nature. And it’s upon us to fix it. (Suggested reading “Eating Animals by Jonathan Safran Foer)

人类vs.动物。我们承认人类与动物,与自然的关系已经破碎。我们有义务,也有能力来修复好这个关系。(推荐阅读Jonathan Safran Foer 的《Eating Animals》)

Source: The Internet

7. Anything is possible. We discovered that the rules and the practices we've lived by don't always apply. What we believed was unalterable and unstoppable, like our industries and our supply chains, we learned that they also can suspend their process. This works both for positive and negative outcomes.


8. Working from home is a valuable option. For long time it has been discussed if working from home was profitable or doable. Now we know that not only makes sense, but that we have the tools to do it, and that we don't need that many business travels.

11. 在家办公其实是不错的选择。在家办公是否有效率行得通,其实已经争论很久了。现在我们发现了,其实我们不但能做到,而且有足够的工具来完成,同时我们并不需要那么多公务出差。

Source: The Internet

9. Purchase local. Whether it’s food, books, or any other good, we realized that in time like this, we can’t rely on things that are out of our range zone. We need to support our local economy, we have to eat local and buy just what we need where we need it.


10. Online classes became a routine. It might seem boring or secondary, but it can actually be an incredible step to reach students in difficult areas and really make education accessible for everyone.


11. Think. It's by hitting the pause button that we rethink our priorities, changing our perspective on our world, on the system we are in. It would be such a waste if we will not treasure this experience to improve our lives in the short future. And it actually depends on this last point whether we will or will not better people after this mentally and physically tiring challenge.


What are your thoughts? What is the most valuable lesson you learnt in the past 3 months?


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