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Climate Crisis vs COVID-19: where is our conversation going?

Writer's picture: Alizée CCMAlizée CCM

We have been talking in the past months, how our planet is healing during humans quarantine. We appreciated nature and animals been back to invade our streets; the pace of our lives turned to a slower and more human rhythm.

Pollution levels worldwide dropped significantly, water is running clearer. Cities in Europe and China breath again, in India people are seeing Himalayas outlines for the first time in decades.

在过去的几个月中,我们一直在谈论人们隔离使地球神奇地康复。 我们对自然和动物再次出现在街道感到惊喜。 我们的生活节奏变慢了,也更人性了。


Pollution drops worldwide, including China. And nature goes back to cities.

But, what is really happening in terms of the climate crisis?

The unexpected situation we are living in has two explosive potentials for our future:

  1. accelerating the process towards sustainability and renewable resources

  2. dragging us towards a new exponential growth of emission.

Unfortunately, they both depend on geopolitical reasons, governments' measures to save their national economies, and the behavior of consumers.



  1. 加快实现可持续发展和可再生资源的进程

  2. 新的排放呈指数型增长。


Without being pessimistic, we have to jump back in 2008, when the last financial crisis took place, forcing governments to implement new measures to fight the economic emergency.

What happened is that, while we were all hoping to see green policies and investments, the alternatives moved towards fossil fuels resulting in 10 years of a spinning raise in carbon emissions.


This is why, even though the planet is healing now, we can't let down our guard: the climate crisis is not a one-shot resolution, it won't solve with us stopping for a few months.

What is going to follow after this sanitary emergency is actually the crucial part of our fight, and it's a delicate matter that reveals to us how intricate it is. 这就是为什么即使地球现在正在康复,我们也不能放下心来:气候危机没有一时的解决方案,我们停了几个月生活并不是长久之计。



Source: the Internet

We can now see clearly how climate and social justice and welfare are intrinsically connected, and how we can't assume that they will adjust themselves accordingly.

How governments all over the world will act "green" in front of growing unemployment, financial and social crises is a primary concern.

Will we be able to find a responsive solution out of the crisis without hurting our planet irreversibly?




Every country has different strategies and internal priorities.

What can we do as consumers to change the game actively?

  1. Keep ourselves informed about green politics. Check what is your local government doing, ask questions, talk about it with your friends and colleagues.

  2. Read the news and always be critic. Every piece is part of a broader picture. We can decide to learn only that one piece or to get the full story.

  3. Talk with your friends from other countries. What happens in China, in Europe or in the USA can be different but we now know that we are not independent ecosystem.

  4. We have great power as consumers: act accordingly. We can change the market with our demands. Isn’t that a great news?

What do you want to read more about? How do you feel about news recently?

Do you think that is important to keep up with climate policies?



  1. 随时了解绿色政治。 检查当地政府在做什么,提出问题,并与朋友和同事讨论。

  2. 阅读新闻,始终做一个批评家。 每一则新闻都可能拓展自己的视野。 我们可以决定只学习其中的一则或获得完整的故事。

  3. 与其他国家的朋友交谈。 在中国、欧洲或美国发生的事情可能有所不同,但我们现在知道我们没有独立分隔的生态系统。

  4. 作为消费者,我们拥有强大的力量:采取相应的行动。 我们可以根据需求改变市场。 这不是个好消息吗?

你想进一步了解什么? 您最近对新闻有何看法?



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