食物是我们生活和文化的一部分,现代饮食方式和结构和我们的社会和自然环境息息相关。认识可持续理念能够帮助我们重新审视自己的饮食习惯,与为我们提供生存所需营养的大自然重新建立连结。 Food is an integral part of our life and culture. Modern diet and structure are closely linked to our society and natural environment. Understanding the concept of sustainability and the relationship between food and the environment can help us re-examine our eating habits and reconnect with nature that provides us with nutrients we humans cannot live without.

随着天气转凉,身体需要产生更多的热,我们需要在膳食中加入更多的熟食和复合碳水化合物。选择与季节相协调的全食,就是与能量的自然流动协调。为身体建立适当的季节性营养平衡可以大大地减轻身体不必要的负担。As the weather cools and the body needs to generate more warmth, we need to include more cooked foods and complex carbohydrates in our meals. Choosing whole foods in harmony with the seasons is about being in tune with the natural flow of energy. Adding an appropriate balance of seasonal nourishment to our body can make a world of difference to reduce the unnecessary burdens on our body.
这个月我们准备了一场很特别的活动。致力于可持续的Zero Waste Shanghai、推广植本饮食和可持续健康生活的植本食薏,和以综合热能器具,创造更健康的生活方式的林内生活家将联合举办一场可持续植本料理工坊,通过结合可持续理念和植物基料理烹饪课程,创造一次充满健康美味料理和具有教育意义的料理体验。We have prepared a very special event for this month. Zero Waste Shanghai, The Plant Forward LLAB, and Rinnai Life, will jointly present - The Sustainable Plant-Forward Cooking Workshop, to offer a healthy, delicious and educational cooking experience.
Who's Yi-wen?

薏雯是一位植本食疗导师,是 SDG2组织"厨师宣言"倡议的会员,也是许多全球食品教育计划的主要发起人。她是一个世界公民,曾在纽约和中国拥有17年的时尚营销经验,并在2012年开始向植物性食品教育领域发展,在多个国家和地区授课。她也是The Plant Forward LLAB团队的联合创始人,提倡通过食物的桥梁来教育、实行协作和行动,一起开拓可持续性的人类与地球健康体系 #lets.plantforward.togetherYi-Wen is a Plant Forward Whole Foods Chef Educator, a noted member of ‘THE CHEFS’ MANIFESTO’ initiative by SDG2 Advocacy Hub and also a key initiator for many global food education programs. She is a world citizen with 17 years of fashion marketing experience in New York and China who started a transition to the world of whole foods education since 2012. She is also a co-founder of The Plant Forward LLAB with the mission to educate, collaborate and initiate real actions and positive changes using food as a social lubricant for a sustainable human health and planetary well-being system #lets.plantforward.together
We will be sharing these 3 warming dishes
Blanched Seasonal Vegetables with Walnut Sauce

Mexican Inspired Black Garlic Chili

Baked Stuffed Apples


我们将从这个工作坊中学会: Key Takeaways From This Seasonal Cooking Workshop - 如何准备营养均衡的健康膳食和减少食物浪费的技巧 - How to prep a balancing meal with minimal waste - 季节性料理技术 - Cooking techniques in harmony with the season - 以“全食”方法使用生物多样性食材 - Using biodiverse ingredients with ‘wholefoods’ approach - 催芽全麦糙米的重要 - Importance of sprouting wholegrain brown rice - 自制简单营养的酱汁 - Preparing a simple but nourishing dressing - 使用五颜六色、富含微量营养的时令蔬菜 - Using seasonal veg in colorful ways full of micro-nutrients - 如何从豆子中摄取更多的植物性蛋白质,包括豆豉,一种富含益生菌的发酵“全食” - How to enjoy more plant-based protein from beans including tempeh, a fermented probiotic rich ‘wholefood’

创立于2016年,ZeroWaste Shanghai是一家致力于可持续发展企业培训的咨询公司。通过一系列的工作坊、研讨会,和培训计划,我们帮助企业、学校和其他组织打造可持续文化和可持续战略。我们的客户包含全球500强、国内中小企业、国际学校、外国领事馆等组织。Founded in 2016, Zero Waste Shanghai is a consulting company dedicated to corporate training on sustainability. Through a series of sustainable business workshops, workshops and other programs, we help organizations build a sustainable culture and develop sustainability strategies. Our customers include global 500, domestic SMEs, international schools, foreign consulates and other organizations.

林内集团成立于1920年,百年来坚持通过“热能”为社会提供“舒适的生活”。作为世界综合热能器具的专业制造商,在16个国家设立生产和销售公司,产品遍布80多个国家。林内生活家是于2017年成立的林内健康生活方式社交平台。目前有北京、上海、西安、武汉、成都等5家线下体验店,并推出“林内健康学院”, 以“创造更健康的生活方式”为理念。Founded in 1920 in Japan, Rinnai Corporation has been providing a "comfortable life" for the society with its "heat energy" innovation. As a global manufacturer of comprehensive home heating appliances, it has set up production and sales companies in 16 countries, and its products cover more than 80 countries. Rinnai Life, established in 2017, is a social healthy lifestyle platform. There are currently 5 offline experience stores in Beijing, Shanghai, Xi'an, Wuhan and Chengdu, and recently launched Rinnai Health College with a mission to help people create healthier lifestyles.

薏雯和The Plant Forward LLAB 团队的意愿是与厨师好友、志同道合的朋友们一起推广植本食疗、探索中国植物性食材的多样性,以及开拓更多食物可持续行动的领域。Yi-Wen & The Plant Forward LLAB team are inspired to learn and work together with chefs and friends to explore on the food diversity in China and initiate more sustainable plant-based food journeys for healthier people and a healthier planet.

Special Thanks to Our Food Sponsors

报名 Sign Up 活动费用 Fee:388 RMB/人 , 早鸟票 358 RMB/人 日期 Date:11月21日(周六) 时间 Time:10.00 AM - 1.00 PM 地点 Location:林内旗舰体验中心 Rinnai Flagship Experience Center 南宁路980号徐汇万科中心D座2楼 (上海南站地铁步行十分钟) 2nd floor, block D, Xuhui Vanke center, 980 Nanning Road 10-min walk from Shanghai South Railway Station) 活动语言:英语和中文 Event Language: English & Chinese
Registration closes 3 days before eventLimited Seats Available Sign up here
